Uses of Interface

Packages that use BaseResponse
org.odata4j.producer The odata4j server-side (producer-side) API. 

Uses of BaseResponse in org.odata4j.producer

Subinterfaces of BaseResponse in org.odata4j.producer
 interface CollectionResponse<T extends OObject>
          An CollectionResponse is a response to a client request expecting a collection of OData objects.
 interface ComplexObjectResponse
          An ComplexObjectResponse is a response to a client request expecting a single instance of a complex type.
 interface CountResponse
          An CountResponse is a response to a client request for the count of an entity-set.
 interface EntitiesResponse
          An EntitiesResponse is a response to a client request expecting multiple OData entities.
 interface EntityResponse
          An EntityResponse is a response to a client request expecting a single OData entity.
 interface ErrorResponse
          An ErrorResponse is the response in case an error occurred.
 interface PropertyResponse
          An PropertyResponse is a response to a client request expecting a single property value.
 interface SimpleResponse
          An SimpleResponse is a response to a client request expecting a single EdmSimpleType value.

Methods in org.odata4j.producer that return BaseResponse
 BaseResponse ODataProducerDelegate.callFunction(EdmFunctionImport name, Map<String,OFunctionParameter> params, QueryInfo queryInfo)
 BaseResponse ODataProducer.callFunction(EdmFunctionImport name, Map<String,OFunctionParameter> params, QueryInfo queryInfo)
          Calls a function (aka Service Operation).
 BaseResponse ODataProducerDelegate.getNavProperty(String entitySetName, OEntityKey entityKey, String navProp, QueryInfo queryInfo)
 BaseResponse ODataProducer.getNavProperty(String entitySetName, OEntityKey entityKey, String navProp, QueryInfo queryInfo)
          Given a specific entity, follow one of its navigation properties, applying constraints as appropriate.

Uses of BaseResponse in org.odata4j.producer.command

Methods in org.odata4j.producer.command that return BaseResponse
 BaseResponse CommandProducer.callFunction(EdmFunctionImport name, Map<String,OFunctionParameter> params, QueryInfo queryInfo)
 BaseResponse CommandProducer.getNavProperty(String entitySetName, OEntityKey entityKey, String navProp, QueryInfo queryInfo)

Uses of BaseResponse in org.odata4j.producer.edm

Methods in org.odata4j.producer.edm that return BaseResponse
 BaseResponse MetadataProducer.callFunction(EdmFunctionImport name, Map<String,OFunctionParameter> params, QueryInfo queryInfo)
 BaseResponse MetadataProducer.getNavProperty(String entitySetName, OEntityKey entityKey, String navProp, QueryInfo queryInfo)

Uses of BaseResponse in org.odata4j.producer.inmemory

Methods in org.odata4j.producer.inmemory that return BaseResponse
 BaseResponse InMemoryProducer.callFunction(EdmFunctionImport name, Map<String,OFunctionParameter> params, QueryInfo queryInfo)
protected  BaseResponse InMemoryProducer.getNavProperty(EdmNavigationProperty navProp, InMemoryProducer.RequestContext rc)
          Gets the entity(s) on the target end of a NavigationProperty.
 BaseResponse InMemoryProducer.getNavProperty(String entitySetName, OEntityKey entityKey, String navProp, QueryInfo queryInfo)

Uses of BaseResponse in org.odata4j.producer.jpa

Methods in org.odata4j.producer.jpa that return BaseResponse
 BaseResponse JPAProducer.callFunction(EdmFunctionImport name, Map<String,OFunctionParameter> params, QueryInfo queryInfo)
 BaseResponse JPAProducer.getNavProperty(String entitySetName, OEntityKey entityKey, String navProp, QueryInfo queryInfo)
 BaseResponse JPAContext.getResponse()

Methods in org.odata4j.producer.jpa with parameters of type BaseResponse
 void JPAContext.setResponse(BaseResponse response)