Package org.odata4j.core

Core odata4j concepts.


Interface Summary
Action1<T> Generic function implementation taking a single argument and returning no value.
AtomInfo Additional Atom information.
Delegate<T> Base interface for delegates, also known as decorators.
EntitySetInfo Entity-set title and href.
Named An object with a name.
NamedValue<T> A strongly-typed named value.
NamespacedAnnotation<T> An annotation (typed name-value pair) that lives in a namespace.
OAtomEntity Interface providing information for ATOM serialization.
OAtomStreamEntity OEntity extension to support streaming entities.
OCollection<T extends OObject> A homogeneous collection of OData objects of a given EdmType.
OCollection.Builder<T extends OObject> Builds an OCollection instance.
OComplexObject An instance of an EdmComplexType.
OComplexObject.Builder Builds an OComplexObject instance.
OCountRequest A consumer-side count-request builder.
OCreateRequest<T> A consumer-side create-request builder.
OEntity An immutable OData entity instance, consisting of an identity (an entity-set and a unique entity-key within that set), properties (typed, named values), and links (references to other entities).
OEntityDeleteRequest A consumer-side entity-request builder, used for DELETE operations of a single entity.
OEntityGetRequest<T> A consumer-side entity-request builder, used for GET operations of a single entity.
OEntityId The identity of a single OData entity, consisting of an entity-set name and a unique entity-key within that set.
OEntityRequest<T> A consumer-side entity-request builder, used for operations on a single entity such as DELETE.
OError An OData error message, consisting of an error code, an error-message text, and an optional inner error.
OExtensible<T> Basic extension mechanism.
OExtension<T> Marker for extension interfaces of a given type.
OFunctionParameter An immutable service operation parameter, consisting of a name, a strongly-typed value, and an edm-type.
OFunctionRequest<T> A consumer-side function-request builder.
OLink An OLink represents a reference to one or more OData entities.
OModifyRequest<T> A consumer-side modification-request builder, used for operations such as MERGE and UPDATE.
OObject OData instance object of the given EdmType.
OProperty<T> An immutable OData property instance, consisting of a name, a strongly-typed value, and an edm-type.
OQueryRequest<T> A consumer-side query-request builder.
ORelatedEntitiesLink An ORelatedEntitiesLink represents a relationship to multiple OData entities.
ORelatedEntitiesLinkInline An ORelatedEntitiesLinkInline is an ORelatedEntitiesLink that also includes the referents inline.
ORelatedEntityLink An ORelatedEntityLink represents a relationship to a single OData entity.
ORelatedEntityLinkInline An ORelatedEntityLinkInline is an ORelatedEntityLink that also includes the referent inlined.
OSimpleObject<V> An instance of an EdmSimpleType, a primitive value in the OData type system.
OStructuralObject An OData instance object with properties.
Titled An object with a title.

Class Summary
GenericAnnotation<T> Generic implementation of NamespacedAnnotation.
Guid A custom Guid class is necessary to interop with .net Guid strings incompatible with UUID.
ImmutableList<T> A List implementation whose structure is immutable after construction.
ImmutableMap<K,V> A Map implementation whose structure is immutable after construction.
ImmutableMap.Builder<K,V> Mutable builder for ImmutableMap objects.
NamedValues A static factory to create immutable NamedValue instances.
OCollections A static factory to create immutable OCollection instances.
OComparators A static factory to create useful Comparator instances.
OComplexObjects A static factory to create immutable OComplexObject instances.
ODataConstants Useful constants.
ODataConstants.Charsets Common character sets.
ODataConstants.Charsets.Lower Common character sets.
ODataConstants.Charsets.Upper Common character sets.
ODataConstants.Headers Common http header names.
OEntities A static factory to create immutable OEntity instances.
OEntityIds A static factory to create immutable OEntityId instances.
OEntityKey An immutable entity-key, made up of either a single unnamed-value or multiple named-values.
OErrors A static factory to create immutable OError instances.
OFuncs A static factory to create useful generic function instances.
OFunctionParameters A static factory to create immutable OFunctionParameter instances.
OLinks A static factory to create immutable OLink instances.
OPredicates A static factory to create useful generic predicate instances.
OProperties A static factory to create immutable OProperty instances.
OSimpleObjects A static factory to create immutable OSimpleObject instances.
PrefixedNamespace A namespace - consists of a uri and local prefix.
Throwables Helper methods for dealing with exceptions in catch clauses.
UnsignedByte Unsigned 8-bit integer (0-255)

Enum Summary
Boole A custom Boolean class is necessary to support Boolean representations as defined in the OData standard.
ODataHttpMethod Common http methods supported by the OData protocol.
ODataVersion V1 or V2
OEntityKey.KeyType SINGLE or COMPLEX

Exception Summary
UmbrellaException Unchecked exception that rolls up one or more underlying exceptions.

Package org.odata4j.core Description

Core odata4j concepts.